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The final step to graduation

Graduation in Guatemala is nearing.

At the beginning of November, over 160 Common Hope students will graduate from high school – an exciting and emotional event. Reaching this goal requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Before they are able to receive their diploma, every student in Guatemala must fulfill 200 hours of practicas in their last year of school. Practicas is very similar to an internship; the students spend about a month shadowing at a company or business in the field they are studying in high school.

Common Hope welcomes students onsite and provides various internships each year. This year, 16 students have chosen to do their practicas at Common Hope to learn about the different departments onsite for one month. The students, who are between 16 and 21 years old, have experienced some important lessons for their professional development and also their personal lives.

A handful of students interested in technology shadowed our IT team. They built and took apart computers, made cables, did various programming and helped with the maintenance of the computer systems. Another group of students supported the Sponsorship office for one month. They loved interacting with the children who visited the office while learning how to adapt to a professional work environment. Valerie, one of the students, also helped out in the Education Program by giving English classes!

Maria and Lourdes who worked in the Scholarship office said they enjoyed the enriching work they were able to do and the communication between coworkers. In the Accounting department, two students dug deeper into their field, learning more about banking and checks and balancing. Silvia, who dreams of opening her own restaurant one day, worked alongside our kitchen team to prepare snacks for the different program areas, lunch for staff, and dinner for visiting Vision Team members. Silvia even got to prepare her own refaccion (snack).

Common Hope is so proud of these students and want to recognize the hard work they are doing to get earn their diploma. We are  grateful for the opportunity to work alongside them and get to know them. To all of our graduates, we wish you all the best for a bright future!

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