What a week! Volunteers Emma, Ellie and Peter worked with Common Hope Volunteer Experience Coordinator, Emily Scriver, and Visitor Experience Coordinator, Claire Dresselhaus, to develop a full week of hands-on activities to generate excitement for SCIENCE among Common Hope students.
The group created a series of lessons, experiments, games and crafts around science themes to engage students in a dynamic way that not only inspires an interest in science, but at the same develops their skills in listening, fine motor development, teamwork, stimulation and exercise.
SCIENCE WEEK theme days included SPACE DAY, WEATHER DAY, NATURE DAY and MAD SCIENTIST DAY. Each day included a lesson focused on a scientific method, a hands-on learning activity or experiment and craft or game. The students created their own erupting geysers, mapped the distance between planets, made tornados and blizzards in jars and more.
The week engaged active minds and hands, encouraged curiosity and creativity and planted the seeds of interest for science for our students. Thanks to all who helped make this such a fun and motivating opportunity for Common Hope youth!
