“This experience created a bond that goes beyond being a father or child – it brought our family closer together and it led to other great things.”
Ron Anderson’s connection to Common Hope goes back to a time when founder, Dave Huebsch, was his student teacher and Common Hope was just an idea. After Dave went to Guatemala to start Common Hope, Ron was part of the first group of visitors from Calvary Lutheran Church in Perham, MN to became sponsors.
Ron has tirelessly supported Common Hope’s mission by sponsoring students and organizing work teams and vision teams. Deeply inspired, Ron wanted to share his Guatemala with his family. He made it a goal to one day bring every one of his children and grandchildren on a Vision Team trip.

Joined by his daughter Sheila and his grandson Braiden, Ron just returned from his fifth Vision Team experience with Common Hope. With a big smile, Ron shares that it is OFFICIAL. He fulfilled his goal and has brought all three of his daughters and his eight grandchildren to Common Hope. It is fair to say that the Andersons have touched the lives of dozens of Guatemalan children and families.
“Like any good experience in life you want to share it with the ones you love,” Ron says. It is important to him that his children and grandchildren could travel to Guatemala, meet the people, learn about their difficulties in life and see first-hand how they’re striving to succeed, and share their optimism. Ron has a special place in his heart for the people he has met in Guatemala. Going on home visits to share in the lives of those he sponsors all Anderson’s favorite part of their experience with Common Hope.
Ron gets emotional when recounting his stories and memories about Common Hope, Guatemala, and its people. “Sharing the Vision Team experience with my children and grandchildren was my dream and it made our family grow together more,” Ron says.
Ron hopes to leave a legacy for his children and grandchildren that includes continued trips to Common Hope and Guatemala. “I want their relationship with Guatemala to be as long and as satisfying as the one that I have experienced,” he explains.
Muchas gracias Ron for sharing your love and support for families in Guatemala with your children and grandchilden and leaving a legacy like no other.